US / Mexico Shipping Solutions
comprehensive cross-border transportation

Your Experienced Mexico Shipping Partner
The PGT Trucking Advantage
Flatbed Trailer Services
[div][strong]Through-Trailer Service [/strong][/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"]The trailer loaded at the place of origin is the same trailer making the delivery. By eliminating transloading at the border, PGT minimizes the risks associated with shipment transfers. [/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"][strong]Transload Service [/strong] [/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"]The shipment loaded at origin will be transferred to an outbound trailer in Laredo TX before continuing its journey to final destination. This method typically reaps additional capacity and can entail storage if delivery windows are flexible or not available. [/div]
Project Cargo
PGT’s [a href="/transportation-project/"]Project Cargo Management Division[/a] has the experience and capabilities to support your next project in Mexico. Our fully bilingual Project Cargo Team can manage your project from A to Z.
Expedited Cross-Border Shipments
Clearing a load for border crossing can be time consuming. [div style="margin-top: 10px;"] PGT proactively works with all stakeholders to prepare border crossing documentation prior to the load’s arrival at the border. [/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"] PGT communicates directly with freight forwarders, shippers and final customers to expedite shipments and meet deadlines. [/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"] Our through-trailer service is ideal for shipments with strict deadlines. [/div]
Cargo Protection
[div][strong]Cargo Escorts [/strong][/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"]High-value cargo escorts are available to PGT customers upon request. This service provides an extra level of security for your freight.[/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"][strong]Cargo Insurance[/strong] [/div] [div style="margin-top: 10px;"]Cargo insurance provides coverage against unexpected losses or damages during transport and can encompass both total and partial risks associated with the shipment. For customers wishing to obtain additional cargo insurance for Mexican shipments, PGT can provide additional pricing. [/div]
Bilingual Support
Effective communication is the foundation of strong workplace cultures that supports safety, driver retention, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Experienced bilingual PGT representatives help streamline communication and mitigate cultural challenges. PGT has bilingual staff at our senior leadership level, at many of our terminals around the country and in Mexico.
Load Tracking
100% of our assets are tracked via GPS. Tracking and delivery notifications via real-time satellite are available around the clock. Evening monitoring personnel are actively tracking loads during transit, ensuring a safe and expeditious transit to destination.
Enhanced Driver Training
[a href="/the-power-of-partnership-with-pgt-trucking-spotlight-on-gasa-transportation/"]Our Mexican service providers[/a] play a critical part in our success. [div style="margin-top: 10px;"]They are chosen carefully and held to PGT standards in order to haul your freight. We host annual safety meetings in the U.S. and Mexico where we cover fundamental securement and tarping techniques. [div style="margin-top: 10px;"]Our bilingual support staff are readily available to travel to and from Mexico to provide the training necessary. [/div]
Warehousing Partnerships
Unforeseen circumstances may inevitably delay shipments at the border. We can reduce costs and minimize risk through our warehouse partnerships that provide safe storage of your materials.
CTPAT Certified
As a committed member of the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program, PGT works with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and all stakeholders in the supply chain to identify security gaps, and implement specific security measures and best practices.
Shipping Southbound to Mexico
Shipping Northbound to the United States
Common Commodities Hauled

Building Products


Oil & Gas




Quality Equipment


Step decks


Step decks


PGT Trucking Opens Office in Monterrey Nuevo León, Mexico
PGT Trucking announced the opening of a new office location in Monterrey Nuevo León, Mexico.
The Power of Partnership with PGT Trucking: Spotlight on GASA Transportation
In the world of logistics and flatbed transportation, partnerships are the backbone of innovation and progress
PGT Trucking Expands Southwest Executive Team with New Vice President Appointment
PGT Trucking appoints Omar Davila as Vice President of Cross Border Operations, based in Laredo, TX, to support Southwest growth.
Terminal Spotlight: Get to Know PGT Laredo
Learn more about PGT Trucking's Southwest operations center in Laredo, Texas, with numerous employment opportunities for staff and drivers.